Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education at The Whartons Primary School
St Leonard's Primary School - Jigsaw PSHCE  School Wellbeing
Our Vision and Intent  

Our vision is that all children will be confident, successful and happy members of society who both participate in and contribute to the life of their community at The Whartons and beyond. They will take risks in their learning but know how to stay safe and healthy at home and in the community.


PSHE is challenging, motivating, practical and interactive. In our diverse society, children need to develop an understanding of themselves, others and their community and how we can work together in harmony. They also need to know how to maintain healthy lifestyles and relationships with others. PSHE plays an integral role in children exploring these things and helps prepare them for the community that they live in now and in the future.


At The Whartons Primary School, our wider intent is to make learning meaningful and memorable. For PSHE, there is a whole school approach throughout the whole curriculum and the life of the school and its community.


Our school is committed to promoting the health and well-being of all pupils, and of the whole school community, and we fully recognise the important relationship between well-being and learning. We provide the children with a curriculum that is broadly based, balanced and meets the needs of all pupils.


Through PSHE, and the wider curriculum, our aim is to promote the spiritual, moral, cultural, mental and physical development of pupils at the school and of society, and work to prepare pupils at the school for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of later life. PSHE education is extremely important to us and is at the heart of our school ethos and is embedded throughout all areas of the wider curriculum.




At The Whartons Primary School, our PSHE curriculum follows the Jigsaw PSHE scheme and Mindmate lessons.  As PSHE is at the heart of our school ethos, it is embedded throughout all the areas of the wider curriculum and we provide the children with an enriching array of opportunities. These include opportunities to:


  • Continually embed essential skills for personal development through every subject and within every part of school life (overlearning). We use a combination of Jigsaw, Mind-Mate champions, Chris Quigley essentials for children and Growth Mindset sessions – to teach lessons explicitly and discreetly through everyday sessions.
  • Debate and discuss contemporary issues - for example through our Window to the World weekly sessions. 
  • Lead others - with various opportunities across year groups such as class captains, play leaders and school council. 
  • Be surrounded by a team of staff who model effective personal, social and emotional skills, building strong relationships, mutual respect and helping all learners  to develop healthy attitudes, habits and routines which children can take on into their own lives.


Each year group follows a whole school theme throughout each term with progress of skills building upon previous year groups each year. This progression of skills can be seen on the PSHE progression map below. As an overview here are our 'Big Ideas' for each term:


Our Big Ideas:


Autumn 1: Understanding who I am and developing my place in the world (Who am I?)

Autumn 2: Understanding and respecting diversity and difference (Diversity)

Spring 1: To set high expectations for myself and push myself to be the best I can be (Dreams and Goals)

Spring 2: Understanding how to maximise lifelong opportunities through developing good physical and mental health and wellbeing (Health and Wellbeing)

Summer 1: Making and maintaining successful relationships based on trust and respect (Relationships)

Summer 2: Understanding myself and developing effective strategies to successfully manage the changes I will go through in life (Changing Me)


Through each of these children will be encouraged to:

  • Try new things 
  • Work hard 
  • Concentrate 
  • Push oneself 
  • Imagine 
  • Improve 
  • Understand others 
  • Not give up 





We use a range of strategies to assess what skills and knowledge the children have attained each term including the following:

  • Book looks
  • Pupil Voice
  • Pre and post assessment
  • Regular feedback each lesson
  • Knowledge Organisers
  • I can assessment statements at the end of each unit
  • Reflection Journals