Class Page

Welcome to our Dragonflies class page! 
Please see below for the class information.
Who works in Dragonflies?
Mr Williamson is the class teacher.
During the week we have a number of other adults working with us - Mrs Reynard, Miss Green, Miss Duncum and Miss Wilkinson.
Specific Dates 
P.E is on Mondays and Fridays, please remember to come to school in your PE Kit on these days.
 Homework is in on Mondays and our weekly spelling test is also on Mondays.
Targets for children
  • Remember to bring your book bag, water bottle, reading books and best smile to school every day.
  • Read at home every day. 
  • Learn your weekly spellings.
  • keep working on your phonics at home. 
  • Practise your maths basic skills - Key Instant Recall Facts (KIRFs).
  • I am available to chat to most days after school, apart from Thursday pm. 
  • Any questions or worries at all - please just ask.
Mr W.