
The Dinosaur Film Project
We brought in books about dinosaurs and shared them in our project time.  We knew so many facts about dinosaurs that we just enjoyed showing each other pictures and exchanging interesting facts.  We all did a drawing and a bit of writing to teach the rest of the class a fact about dinosaurs.  
We brought in our favourite dinosaurs from home and did a photo shoot of them in the playground.  We painted pictures of our dinosaurs.  Mrs Manderville put it all together to make a film to share with our class and our parents... I bet you will learn something new too!

The Dragon

This project was sparked by the children’s imagination. They wondered whether the fenced off area of our school field was a dragon’s nest and then saw real smoke in the distance (possibly a bonfire or possibly a dragon…we couldn’t be sure!!).  This gave us the idea of trying to coax the dragon back to her nest.  The children thought of lots of ways to do this, including making the dragon food; providing sticks for the dragon to put in her tummy (to make her breathe fire); making a dragon egg and a cosy bed.  The children developed their language and social skills by discussing ideas together and practised their writing by making notes for the dragon and writing lists of things that they needed to do.  This project started weeks ago and some children are still attempting to catch the dragon.


The Puppet Show

A group of children worked together to decide on a traditional story; make puppets; write a script and produce a puppet show. The children were very excited about making posters and tickets and wanted to invite as many people as possible.  They worked extremely well as a team and had plenty of practise at writing independently.


The whole class are finding out about bees at the moment, and so we decided this would be another lovely opportunity for a group project.  We chose a group of friends who seemed particularly interested in this topic and asked them what they would like their project to include.  The children were keen to put on a show, but instead of another puppet show they opted for a ‘film’. They wrote a plan and made a range of props and puppets. The children also want to make food containing honey and we plan to do this very soon.